Im Brie
  Chapter 6:
       Hello I am Mark Twain and I am one of the many people that were involved in the Anti- Imperialist league.  I was accompanied by Andrew Carnegie, William James, David Starr Jordan, and Samuel Gompers with George S. Bout Well. We, on June 15, 1898 decided to organize this league to make sure that just because we are staying away from other countries, that we didn’t do anything stupid that we might regret. We opposed the annexation of not only countries but also on economic, legal, and moral grounds. 

            We the United States of America had a foreign policy, by which us as this league influenced the policy. By showing the people that it’s not okay to be cruel to others to make you happy we showed the purpose of this league.  We opposed it for many reasons. For example, by doing what was right and not taking over countries as a whole but, instead by doing the wrong thing and going in to a country and using military force to establish economic and political influence.  All of the influence was not good for the country or the people; it was just done for the good of the interests of the server.  Also, we went against self government, and democracy which in turn made the people suffer but,  we didn’t care because we were getting all we wanted form it.

            So one day it was decided we must do something in order for things to change.  We as anti- imperialists opposed an aggressive foreign policy.  This kind of policy was awful in a way that a dictatorship was required making sure no human had a right.  Imperialism was rather conquering the people then redeeming them. 

             This was just a few of the actions we saw happing before our eyes.  We had to take action fast, or the people would keep getting hurt. I Mark Twain then decided to write how I felt about this.  I named it To the Person Sitting in Darkness” it was my opinion how I watched the American government put harsh brutalities on other countries.  I also saw how selfish we are; we had concentration camps for South Africa and Filipinos.

            Once we took action by expressing ourselves it showed them how wrong the things they were doing were, and this changed the people.  We as a group influenced our Foreign Policy, by making sure that how we interacted with other countries was the right way for us and them.  Also, to make sure that the people were happy, and that we as America were using the foreign policy the right way and not taking advantage of it.  All in all I Mark Twain feel like by making the Anti-Imperialist League we made sure that no longer we the U.S. will take advantage of the Foreign Policy.